Sunday 4 May 2008

Emotional wipe out!

I've been pretty good with my emotions but today I had a complete and utter wipe out.
Sam had got tearful talking to Toni about Sharon earlier in the day. Later on, a few us were lounging in the bedroom and talking and then Gemima asked who the girl was in the picture on my wall. I replied that it was my girlfriend who had died (the picture in question was the canvas that I had made for Sharon's funeral). At this point I had a rush of emotions and felt really low and then Sophie was talking to her friend on the phone about talking to people who had passed away and that just pushed me over the edge and I lay on the bed in tears and feeling really numb.

Poor Toni didn't know what to say or do and so made a retreat downstairs until I had recovered a bit. It's so hard trying to balance everything sometimes and trying to avoid impacting others with your feelings :o(

1 comment:

Geminii Glitz said...

Sorry if I was a bit crap. Was slightly wrapped up in my own overwhelming stress.