Wednesday 28 May 2008

Manic day & early night

Manic day at work today with everything critical as usual. Seems our next relase has to be ready by next Friday (6th June). We haven't even finished unit testing yet, and some items are still to be developed but we are expecting to start 'regression' testing next week but it will just be retesting the unit stuff. We had hoped that this release would have a full regression test but alas not. Instead we,ll have too add in lots of caveats at release time to cover our butts so we don't get kicked if it all goes wrong!

Its crap and not the way to do things but once again a clients last minute notification of a critical date has bitten us! At least after this one we'll be going to quarterly releases (allegedly) so we'll have a chance to do some regression before that one.

Gloria text me today for a quick catch up. Am going to go and have a drink with her and Barry next week at some point.

Toni came over after work today as she left some important paperwork at the weekend. We conveniently arranged it to coincide with me going to Notingham for an Elite league seminar on sports marketing so she'll be dropping me of in London at stupid o'clock in the morning.

Was nice to see her again (the week gap is way too long). We had a lovdey pasta dinner and watched The Thomas Crown Affair before having an early night.

1 comment:

Geminii Glitz said...

A week? It's usually 5 nights...

But it is DEFINITELY too long!