Revenge was had later though as some bugger took this of me!!

Seems that whilst I was zonked out and that photo was taken Toni also took the opportunity to snap a couple of pics of her, Gail and nan:
Toni's nan

Toni and her nan:

Toni and Gail (her mum):

We had a gorgeous roast pork dinner which left me very very full afterwards. Toni grabbed a quick nap while the kids were having pudding and then it was time to head home again. We'd only been driving a few minutes when suddenly the oil light flashed briefly. We pulled into a garage and checked the oil and I pointed out that the car had been driving on oil fumes for god knows how long. 500ml of oil later the sound had decreased and the car seemed to perform a lot better (FUNNY THAT)! Thank the stars that no damage was done and that we worked out what was wrong. Note to Toni, check your oil regularly!
We spotted this little gem on the way back. It didn't look like the car had a flat tire so his back axle must have been completely mullered!
1 comment:
Dodgy oil light should have come on ages ago! Glad I saw it flicker as it was only there for a millisecond!
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